HOT Task #1842 Statistics on 28th of April 2016

Data created on 28th of April 2016 from 14:00 to 24:00 (Finnish summer time).

Some statistics for the #1842 - M7,8 Earthquake in Ecuador-16/04/2016: Canton Chone - Ecuador SigTierras Pre-event imagery task.

Map of the Created Objects

Contributions by


Primary roads created, length
Secondary roads created, length
Tertiary roads created, length
Unclassified roads created, length
Residential roads created, length
Service roads created, length
Tracks created, length
Paths created, length
Roads created, total length
Primary roads, count
Secondary roads, count
Tertiary roads, count
Unclassified roads, count
Residential roads, count
Service roads, count
Tracks, count
Paths, count
Roads and paths, total count

Residential areas, total count
Residential areas, total area
Residential areas, average area

Buildings, total count

(*) A small part of the objects included in the data were actually deleted, not created or modified as claimed. Also, note that a road created by an user can be a new part added to an existing road.